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Please Note:


The On-Boarding tab provides two views of your accounts: all or selected. Click the On-Boarding tab to display a list of all your accounts. From that list, click an account name to display account-specific options.

All-Accounts view

The On-Boarding tab for all accounts enables you to create an account, list your accounts, and delegate a Service Provider to view or manage your account.

SAS On-Boarding tab

Create Account (Shortcut) Add an organization’s name and address.
List Accounts (Shortcut) Display a list of the accounts to which you have access.
Account Manage the accounts to which you have access .
Delegation Code Allow your Service Provider to view or manage your account.

Selected-Account view

The On-Boarding tab for a single account (click an account name in On-Boarding > Account) enables you to create an account, list your accounts, define the type of service, allocate token inventory/capacity, and add Operators, Auth Nodes, and account contacts.

Selected Account View

Create Account (Shortcut) Add an organization’s name and address.
List Accounts (Shortcut) Display a list of the accounts to which you have access.
Account Detail Add accounts and their basic details.
Services Define the type of account, services offered, and service period.
Allocation Allocate or deallocate capacity, tokens, and SMS Credits.
Create Operator Enable accounts to login to the SAS console to: manage their Virtual Server, create and manage users, provision tokens, and run reports.
Auth Nodes Enable VPN and web applications to authenticate against the Virtual Server.
Contacts Add account contacts.